
Always working to improve the efficiency and output of our customer’s operations and construction projects the knowledgeable, reputable, and professional team at Allfix are continually searching for cutting edge and innovative pneumatic tools and supplies. Able to install nails, brads, and pins into timber, boxes, and cartons alike Allfix has an unmatched selection of effective pinners-bradders-nailers designed and fabricated by manufacturers such as Fasco Tools.

Available in multiple gauges based on the density of the material you are attempting to secure or join together you will find what you are looking for at the right price when you trust Allfix.

Pneumatic Nailers

Using high-compressed air to shoot treated and galvanised nails into dense materials such as thick planks of timber pneumatic nailers can drastically cut down on the construction time of domestic and commercial projects.

Drawing on our years of first-hand knowledge and experience the professionals at Allfix proudly stock pneumatic nailers that can be used for activities such as door and window casing, cabinet assembly, wall panelling, and other projects. For a complete understanding of the technical specifications of our pneumatic nailers call Allfix today on 1300 255 349.


Showing 1–12 of 27 results

Product Categories

  • Flooring & Underlay
  • Decking Tool
  • Packaging
  • Bedding
  • Pinners-Bradders-Nailers
  • “T” Nailers
  • Corrugated Fasteners
  • Hammer Tacker
  • Coil + Framing Nailers
  • Horticultural Equipment & Supplies
  • Packner Equipment